Different - Joyful and Gentle
Joy is a choice, one that leads to gentleness.
What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
What characteristics do you see in a person that tells you they have joy or gentleness?
Read: Philippians 4:4-5
How do we rejoice in the Lord? What does that look like?
How do we hold onto joy? What changes when you have a joyful attitude?
What does gentleness look like to you? How can we show gentleness?
Walter shared an example of Christian division where one of the people was called out as being wrong. Does unity call for accepting all viewpoints or does it require calling out others when they are wrong? Why?
How do we know when viewpoints should be addressed, and how do joy and/or gentleness factor in to how it’s handled?
Does the fact that Christians have a kingdom that is not of this world impact how we engage with, or care about, the struggles of the people who are not yet Christians? Why or why not?
Does your joy in the Lord play a role in bringing other people into the kingdom that we are part of, which is separate from the world? Why or why not?
Paul writes, “The Lord is near” at the end of verse 5. How does the Lord being near factor into our joy and gentleness?
Prayer: Pray for an attitude of gentleness and help focusing on having joy.