Summer of Love - Love Another
When you get how much God loves you, loving others goes from ought-to to automatic.
What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
What makes you feel loved?
What makes it easier for you to show love to people? What makes it harder? Why?
Read: 1 John 4:7-21
What is your response to loving others being a command?
How do our actions of showing love to others make it so they can see God?
Why does love drive out the fear of the day of judgment?
Why is someone a liar if they say they love God, but hate a person?
What does this passage say about loving people of different political opinions?
What does it say about loving people of different ethnicities?
What does it say about loving people of different gender identities or who have different sexual preferences?
How are we supposed to treat other people? Why?
What gets in the way of you loving people? Why?
What does it mean to you to love people?
Prayer: Pray that you will realize how much God loves you, so you can show that same love to others.