RelationShift - Family and God’s Fam
Every Family needs a Child of God.
What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
When you hear the word “family,” what do you think of?
Are there people in your life that you call family even though there’s no biological connection? How did they become family?
Read: 1 Peter 4:7-11
How does prayer play a role in being part of God’s family?
What does it look like to show love to your family?
Has anyone shown you hospitality? How did that make you feel?
Do you feel like you have any gifts from God to help your family? What are they? How do you use them?
Do you use your words to build people up? How do you do at taking compliments from other people trying to build you up?
How do you serve?
Why do we do the things listed in this passage? Why is it important that God is glorified through them?
Of the things listed in this passage (prayer, love, hospitality, gifts, words, and serving), what are you good at? What do you struggle with?
How are you showing that you are part of God’s family in your everyday life?
Prayer: Pray that you will be the child of God that points others to Him.