Not Your Average Joe - Humbling Leads to Usefulness
God’s delays are not God’s denials. He’s getting you ready.
What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
Have you been in a situation you dreaded where you felt like it would never end (a job, school, etc.)? What, if anything, helped?
In what areas do you make excuses for why you deserve to do something outside the rules (slacking at work, cheating a little, etc.)?
Read: Genesis 39:2-9, 39:20-23, 40:23, 41:14-16, 41:39-40, and 41:46
Do you think Joseph felt like God was with him? Why or why not?
What do you think is the significance of Joseph’s coat being snatched by Potiphar’s wife?
Do you think it was hard for Joseph to state that God was the one who could interpret the dreams, not him? Why or why not?
Have you ever been forgotten by someone you were counting on, like Joseph was forgotten by the cupbearer?
What makes you feel like God is with you in your life? What makes you feel like He’s not with you?
Have you ever gotten to see or learn why God’s answer was “not yet,” even though you previously thought the answer was “no?”
Why does the answer “not yet” feel like “no”?
How does changing your viewpoint about God delaying a situation instead of denying a situation change how you interact with where you are in the current moment?
Prayer: Pray for patience as God prepares things in your life.