Point of View - Divorce
Main Point: You live in a self-serve world, but you’re part of a world-serve church.
- What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
- Share with your group a recent example of incredible service that you witnessed or experienced.
- What is it about our world that has so conditioned us to expect to be served more than to serve?
Read: Mark 10:32-34
- This is the third time Jesus has told his disciples what awaited him in Jerusalem. This is the most detailed of the three. Why did Jesus keep returning to this theme in Mark 8-10?
- We have the benefit of viewing Jesus’ death in light of his resurrection. How does that give us an advantage over Jesus’ first twelve disciples?
Read: Mark 10:35-45
- Put yourself in this story. Are you more like James and John or are you more like the “indignant” disciples? Why do you think that?
- Jesus has just told his followers that he will be betrayed, mocked, spit on, flogged, whipped and killed before rising again on the third day. How must he be feeling as he confronts their jockeying for rank and position?
- Jesus makes it clear that the Church should look differently than the world when it comes to power structures and authority. How are we doing that? Are there ways that the Church reflects the world that need to be confronted? Where is the Church getting it right in terms of having Jesus’ outlook on service?
- What is a specific way you can emulate Jesus attitude of service this week?
Prayer: Pray for your perspective on service to align with Jesus’ point of view.
Action: I Love My City is coming up on April 29. Talk about a service project your group can take on and then share those details with frank by emailing him.