Hacked - God is Watching
Main Point: God isn’t just a spectator; He’s a participant.
- What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
- What product do you refuse to buy anything other than name brand?
- Share a time you were tricked by something that was only almost-real (a food, a false friend, etc.).
- Is it important to be open to exploring your faith? Why or why not?
- Where or when have you seen or experienced hacked Christianity?
Read: First Claim of Modernistic Therapeutic Deism: A god exists who created and ordered the world and watches over human life on earth (as opposed to Him being engaged with us).
- What are some of the benefits to thinking that God just watches, instead of engages?
- Is just watching how God operates? Why or why not?
- In what ways does how we live reflect whether we believe God just watches or engages with us?
Read: Acts .17:24-28.
- How does this passage support that God is engaging, and not just watching?
- What damage has been done by this false view that God just watches?
- How can you focus on seeing moments of God engaging with you with week?
- How can you help others see that God engages, as opposed to just watches?
Prayer: Pray that you will treat God with the proper respect He deserves; He wants a relationship with you.