The Core - Jesus Is Lord
What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
What do you think of the statement, “What you believe should change how you behave, but how you behave always reveals what you believe?”
Read John 1:49, 6:69, 11:27, 20:18, 25, and 28, and John 21:7.
- Why do you think John shows a progression in the titles given to Jesus?
- The Romans said, “Caesar is Lord.” Christians should say, “Jesus is Lord.” Fill in the blank “____ is Lord” for what keeps you from keeping Jesus in His proper place.
- How have you done this week with the challenge of asking, “Does this please my Master?” when you make your choices?
Read Philippians 2:5-11.
- What can we learn from this passage in how to live out our lives?
- How do you feel you do in respect to living out “Jesus is Lord?”
- How do you feel the Church does living out “Jesus is Lord?” What does the Church do well? What can be improved?
- What are some dangers of extremism in behavior that can come from the living out “Jesus is Lord,” if any?
Prayer: Pray that you will focus on keeping “Jesus is Lord” at the Core of how you live.