Monday-Thursday, July 15 - 18
PRESchool: 6:00 - 7:30
Elementary: 6:00 - 7:45
parent lounge: 6:00 - 7:45
Join us for an incredible 4 days of fun music, engaging Bible stories, snacks, crafts, games and more! Our VBS program has been designed specifically for kids 3 years old through going into 5th grade.
Join us in the Parent Lounge from 6:00 - 7:45 for snacks and beverages.
Take some time for yourself or join in games and conversation.
Kingdom Seekers discover the Bible is one unified story that leads to Jesus!
We want kids to leave VBS knowing:
I SEE the world in an entirely different way because Jesus defeated death through his love.
I KNOW that God chose Jesus to save the world.
I can FOLLOW Jesus' example and love God and others as he did.
I can LIVE as Jesus lived, choosing to reflect God's way over my own.
I will SEEK the kingdom because I understand that The Bible is one divine story that leads to Jesus
Register your Kids!
Our VBS program has been designed specifically for kids 3 years old through going into 5th grade.
Want to volunteer?
Sign up Here to serve with our VBS Team.