05.14.17 - Small Group Discussion

My Awkward Family - A Mother’s Prayer

Main Point: Pray and present your child back to God.

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • What are the when, where, and to whom of your birth?
  • Share about your mother, if you’re comfortable, and about what impact she has had on your life.
  • Are you comfortable with the fact that God put you in the family He wanted? Why or why not?

Read: 1 Samuel 1:11, 27-28.

  • Why was it important for Hannah to pray, instead of just relying on her husband’s love?
  • When you are hurting, where do you turn?
  • Hannah asked for a son and promised to give him back to God. Have you ever promised to handle God’s answer in a specific way?
  • What is the longest period of time that you kept asking God for an answer? Did His answer ever change? Why did you continue to ask?
  • For those with children, how can you “give your children back to God”? What does that look like? For those without children, what has God given you that you can give back to Him and what does that look like?

Prayer: Pray continually. Don’t stop asking for what’s in your heart. Always use His answer to give glory back to Him.

05.07.17 - Small Group Discussion

All Access - Uniquely Created to Love

Main Point: Do good; give God the Glory.

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • How do you like to go about making plans? Or, are you not much of a plan person?
  • What comes to your mind if you hear that God has a plan for your life?
  • Do you feel confident or comfortable with the idea that God has a plan for your life? Why or why not?
  • How can we know God’s plans?

Read: Hebrews 13:20-21.

  • Why is it important that these verses start with the statement that God brought Jesus back to life?
  • Do you feel like God has equipped you with everything you need to do His will? Why or why not?
  • How can you give glory to God when you do good?
  • What has God equipped you with to do good?
  • How can you do good and give God the glory this week?
  • What would be different if the Church would simply focus on doing good and giving God the glory for it?

Prayer: Pray for the courage to do good, and the humility to give God the glory.

04.23.17 Small Group Discussion

All Access - Access to Power

Main Point: When Your Will Power Runs Out, You Have Access to His.

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • What is something you had to wait for, but you gave in to the temptation and had it when you shouldn’t have? How about something you waited until the right time for? Which was more satisfying? Why?
  • What are some of the excuses we give to ourselves when we are tempted, so we can try and lessen the guilt? Why doesn’t knowledge of the consequences always stop us from sinning?

Read: Hebrews 4:14-16.

  • Jesus was tempted in every way that we are. Think about the temptations you struggle with. Which ones do you have a hard time believing Jesus was tempted by? Why?
  • What difference, if any, does it make that Jesus empathizes and understands our temptations?

Read: Romans 8:11.

  • What does it mean to have the Spirit of God living in you?
  • If we have the Holy Spirit, which is God, and Jesus, who is God, did not sin, what is the hope then for what we can do?
  • When we fail, how can we approach God with Jesus as our high priest?
  • When your will power is weak, how can you tap into His?

Prayer: Pray that you rely on Jesus’ will power instead of trying to go it alone.

04.16.17 - Small Group Discussion

All Access - No More Rope Line

Main Point: Jesus Gives You All-Access to God

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • What were the best tickets or access you have ever had to an event?
  • Share a time when the phrase “It’s all about who you know” applied.
  • Why do we feel like others sometimes have better access to God?
  • What are some of the reasons that we feel like we don’t have access to God?

Read: Hebrews 10:19-22.

  • How is the access described in this passage different than what was previously in place? What happened that caused the change?
  • The Jews grew up with the mentality that only the High Priest can enter the Most Holy Place, and he could only do it once a year. When this passage states that Jesus provides everyone access to God, it was a massive change in their worldview. Have you ever had a major shift in your world view? How did you handle that change?
  • How do you try to gain access to God?
  • Do you feel like you have access to God? Why or why not?
  • What makes you feel closer to God?
  • What barriers can the Church remove, or what could the Church do differently, to help people feel/know that they have access to God?

Prayer: Praise God for granting us access to Him.

04.09.17 - Small Group Discussion

Thriving In Babylon - Finishing Well

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • When was a time you didn’t finish well (a race, a class, a trip, etc.)?

  • Have you ever watched a movie or TV show or read a book, and you loved it right up until the end, but the ending was horrible? How did the ending impact your feelings about the whole story?

Read: Daniel 6:1-10.

  • Do you know anyone whose legacy is one that says, “The only way we can get them in trouble is if we make a law that conflicts with their faith?”
  • When you look at the legacy you will leave behind, what are somethings that you could get tripped up on? Would the same claim that was made about Daniel apply to you?
  • What Is Daniel’s response to the law that is passed? How does his response help to inform our decisions when laws conflict with our faith?

Read: Daniel 6:16-28.

  • Daniel had peace because he knew his identity was a follower of God, no matter what his circumstances were. How can that identity help you to finish well?
  • What was the immediate impact of Daniel’s enduring faith?
  • Who are some of the examples in your life that have either finished well, or not so well? How did the way they finished affect your opinion of them?
  • Does the way you finish frame your entire faith story? Why or why not?
  • Who do you have in your life now that will be impacted by whether or not you finish well? Are you currently living in a way that will help you finish well?

Prayer: Pray for endurance to run the race of life faithfully and to finish well.

04.02.17 - Small Group Discussion

Thriving in Babylon - Lower the Proud, Exalt the Humble

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • When was a time that you exhibited too much pride?
  • What are the positives and negatives of pride?
  • How is God lowering the proud an act of love?

Read: Daniel 4:1-3, 19, and 24-25.

  • Nebuchadnezzar’s attitude is very different now than when we last left him. How well do you do at believing people have changed when they present a new worldview?
  • Why do you think Daniel was hesitant to tell the king what the dream meant?
  • Daniel tells the king that he will receive back his kingdom when he learns that Heaven rules. Have you experienced anything similar where the pieces of your life are put back in place only when you acknowledge God’s rule?

Read: Daniel 5:20-30.

  • What is the difference between Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar?
  • What is your pride getting in the way of?
  • When has your humility allowed you to see God act?
  • How would things be different if the Church was known to be a place of humble people? How could we make a difference?

Prayer: Pray for humility

03.26.17 - Small Group Discussion

Thriving in Babylon - They Wouldn't Bend or Bow, They Didn't Burn

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • Who were you always spending time with when you were growing up? Did people have a name for your group, like Frank’s being known as The Garrett Boys?
  • Do you find yourself making more mistakes when you are by yourself or with others? What is the impact of having others around?

Read: Daniel 3:1-3.

  • Throughout history, people have erected monuments, such as Egypt’s pyramids. What is it about the human spirit that causes us to do this?

Read: Daniel 3:12-15.

  • Do you ever feel caught between your obedience to God and some earthly authority?
  • Who or what helps you choose God?

Read: Daniel 3:16-18.

  • What stands out most to you about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s response?
  • How do you think you would have responded in their situation?
  • What do you find significant about the fact that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are always mentioned together, and never separately?

Read: Hebrews 10:24-25.

  • What have been the biggest benefits of having community in your life?

Prayer: Give thanks for the strong relationships in your life.

03.19.17 - Small Group Dicussion

Thriving in Babylon - Faith Overcomes Fear

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • Share a time or situation that you had no control over what happened.

  • When life spins out of control, what is your first reaction?

Read: Daniel 2:1-11.

  • God uses this situation for the Babylonian wise men to declare that only a god can accomplish what the king is asking, therefore starting to pave the way for God to be glorified. Have you experienced a time when God uses non-believers to display His glory?

Read: Daniel 2:12-28

  • When the soldiers come for Daniel, he asks for time and prays. How do you imagine yourself responding in such a situation?
  • God answers Daniel’s prayer and reveals the dream and interpretation to him. Share a time that God answered your prayer.

Read: Daniel 2:46-47.

  • Even after God gave Daniel the answer, he still needed to be brave enough to go and tell the king. Nebuchadnezzar responded favorably to Daniel’s words and bowed to God. If the king had not responded well to Daniel, would it still have been the right thing for Daniel to do?
  • Have you allowed fear to prevent you from doing what is right?

Read: Romans 13:1.

  • God places authorities where He wants them, but He is still Sovereign. When was the last time that you prayed for those in authority, instead of just complained about them?

Prayer: Pray for those God has placed in authority positions, and pray that we remain faithful to God and allow Him to show us the way to act towards them.

03.12.17 Small Group Discussion

Thriving in Babylon - Who You Are and Where You're From

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • Describe yourself. Who are you?
  • Where are you from? What do you know of your heritage?
  •  Have you ever allowed yourself (hobbies, attitudes, clothes, etc.) to be defined by someone or something else?

Read: Daniel 1.

  • What allowed Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah to remain true to their identity?
  • How did God respond to their faith?
  • All the other Israelites that were taken to Babylon are nameless in this book. Why?
  • All the others chose to sacrifice their identity in order to belong in their new circumstances.  What have you changed about yourself, or given up, in order to belong?
  • Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah are given new names. If you have changed your name, whether a last name due to marriage, choosing a nickname, or some other circumstance, what was that like to have a different name? Did it change who you are?
  • What circumstances have changed in your life that have made you re-evaluate your identity?
  • When or how have you found peace in your identity?
  • What is the perceived identity of the Church and of Christians?
  • How can we show the world our true identity?
  • What would change if Christians lived as Christians first, before any other identifier?

Prayer: Pray for courage to hold to our identity as Christian before anything else.

03.05.17 Small Group Discussion

The Next Chapter - Leaving a Legacy

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • Share a time that you tried to imitate someone else (impressions, mannerisms, etc) and/or about someone imitating you, such as a younger sibling.

  • Think about a coach, teacher, or mentor at work. What did they do well or not so well to teach you and help you learn?

Read: Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, 2 Timothy 2:2, and 1 Corinthians 4:16-17.

  • If you have been baptized and are a Christ-follower, who do you credit as being responsible for leading you to becoming a Christ-follower?
  • Who has discipled, or is discpling, you?
  • What prevents us from making efforts to disciple others?
  • Would you want someone to imitate your lifestyle? Why or why not?
  • Name some good ideas, methods, or approaches to keep in mind when making an effort to disciple someone.
  • Do you think discipling someone has an end point? Why or why not?
  • Who do you have in your life who you can help write the next chapter in their faith story?

Prayer: Pray for courage and wisdom in your efforts to help others write the next chapter in their faith story.

02.26.19 - Small Group Discussion

The Next Chapter - Pleasing God

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • What comes to mind when you think of the word “servant?”
  • What chores did you do growing up as a child?
  • Describe the world’s typical view of how to get ahead in life.

Read: Matthew 20:20-28 and John 13:12-17.

  • Do you think it was wrong of James and John’s mother to ask that they have a place of honor? Why or why not?
  • Have you ever gotten in over your head by chasing greatness?
  • In what ways do you currently serve others?
  • Have you ever had someone else wash your feet? How did that make you feel?
  • How can you serve in a manner as lowly as washing someone’s feet in Jesus’s day?
  • What keeps us from serving?
  • Is there an age limit, either too young or too old, for serving? Why or why not?
  • What are the negatives to serving?
  • What are the benefits to serving?
  • How are you going to serve this week?

Prayer: Pray for humility to have the proper attitude to serve others.

02.19.17 - Small Group Discussion

The Next Chapter - On The Grow

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • Think of something that you are trying to improve at (art, exercise, anything). What is required for you to improve, or grow, in that skill?
  • In one sentence, describe yourself growing up from child to adult.

Read: Luke 2:52 and 13:6-9.

  • Although it’s a single sentence, what can be observed about Jesus’s years growing up?
  • Who does the fig tree represent?
  • What are the two possible outcomes for the fig tree?
  • How does the parable of the fig tree set the expectation for what we are supposed to do as Christians?
  • What can Christians do to grow in their faith?
  • How many of those things just listed do you do and how often do you do them?
  • You’re either growing or your dying. There is no third direction. Why?
  • What will you do this week to grow and when will you do it? Have your small group check in with you to help keep you accountable.

Prayer: Pray for the focus and willingness to open the Bible and read daily to help grow deeper with

02.12.17 Small Group Discussion

The Next Chapter - Spending Time with God

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • Who do you talk to the most? How often and for how long do you talk to them?
  • Can you tell when someone isn’t really engaged in the conversation you’re having? How does that make you feel?
  • What do you think of when you think of praying/prayer?

Read: Matthew 14:23, Mark, 1:35, Luke 6:12, and Philippians 3:8-11.

  • How often do you pray? What prayer habits have you developed?
  • What are some of the times in your life when you asked, “What does God want in this situation?” or thought, “I wish I knew what God wants me to do”? How was your prayer life during those times?
  • Why do we struggle to pray?
  • Paul expresses in Philippians that knowing Christ is so good that everything else in life is like garbage. Do you agree based on how your relationship is with Christ? Why or why not?
  • Pick a time daily that you will commit to praying. When will you pray? How will your small group keep you accountable?

Prayer: Pray. Daily.

02.05.17 Small Group Discussion

The Next Chapter - Imitating the Master

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • How does history repeat itself?
  • What does it take for a story to be forgotten?
  • What is something that you follow?
  • What do you devote yourself to? What are you a disciple of?

Read: Matthew 4:18-22, Luke 5:11, Luke 18:28, and 1 Corinthians 11:1.

  • Do you think there’s any significance to some of the disciples being called in pairs, while some are called individually? Why or why not?
  • James and John are specifically stated as leaving their father to follow Jesus. What has following Christ cost you? What have you given up to follow Christ?
  • Peter states that they have left everything to follow Christ. Could you leave everything? Why or why not?
  • Who do you have in your life that you can look to and see them modeling Christ to help show you the way to be a disciple?
  • Who do you have in your life that you can be a mentor for and show them how to be a disciple?

Prayer: Pray that you will be devoted to following Christ and being His disciple.

01.29.17 Small Group Discussion

He Said What? - Great Expectations  

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • What do you think of when you think of a righteous person? What does a righteous person do?

Read: Matthew 6:1-4.

  • Does Jesus say, “If you give to the needy” or “When you give to the needy”?
  • What does this mean we should do if we are to practice our righteousness?
  • How can we give to the needy?

Read: Matthew 6:5-15.

  • Jesus tells us to pray. What does your prayer life look like? What prayer habits do you have?
  • What is the importance of us forgiving those who do wrong to us? Who is someone you need to extend forgiveness to?

Read: Matthew 6:16-18.

  • What is fasting?
  • How often do you fast?
  • Why do you think fasting is so often looked at as a “special occasion only” or “optional” piece of our faith?
  • Jesus states that we are to pray, fast, and give to the needy. Which is the hardest for you? How will you take a step forward to improve?

Prayer: Pray for dedication to pursue giving to those in needy, praying, and fasting.

01.22.17 Small Group Discussion

He Said What? - Mind-full of Purity

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • What does purity mean to you?
  • What are some of the ways that women are objectified?
  • Are men objectified in similar or different ways? How so?
  • What is the harm in “just looking”?

Read: Matthew 5:27-32.

  • How is looking at a person lustfully the same as committing adultery?
  • Are Jesus’s words regarding removing a body part to be taken literally? Why or why not?
  • What excuses do we use to justify our impure thoughts?
  • Do you feel like there are reasons for divorce outside of sexual immorality? Why or why not?
  • How are we to handle Jesus’s words that anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery?
  • What can you improve or change to live with more purity?

Prayer: Pray for purity for your eyes, mind, and actions.

01.15.17 Small Group Discussion

He Said What? - Worry Warts

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • What is something you have that you find comfort, assurance, or security in? Why does that thing give you that feeling?
  • What does worry mean to you?
  • What do you worry about?
  • Why do you think we worry?

Read: Matthew 6:25-34.

  • Have you ever benefited from worrying?
  • How are we like pagans when we worry about what we will eat or wear?
  • Jesus specifically speaks about clothes, food, and drink in this passage. Do you think there are things we can worry about, or were food, drink, and clothing merely the examples that He gave and the command not to worry is all-encompassing? Why?
  • In verse 33, we are told to seek first God’s kingdom. What are some things that we can do to seek His kingdom?
  • How can we focus on today, and leave tomorrow for tomorrow?

Prayer: Pray that instead of worrying, we trust God.

01.08.17 - Small Group Discussion

He Said What? - Would Be Murderer

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • Have you ever been angry at someone?
  • What things made you angry as a child? What about as an adult?
  • When you are angry with someone, how do you typically handle that anger?

Read: Matthew 5:21-26.

  • Do Jesus’s words seem harsh to you? Why or why not?
  • Have you ever had a circumstance like the one illustrated in verses 23-24 regarding remembering a problem with someone when giving an offering? How did that situation turn out?
  • Is there an application for verses 25-26 outside of specifically being taken to court? Why or why not?
  • Are there different kinds of anger? For example, are there types of anger that are ok, or even good? Why or why not?
  • How can we do better at not being angry at people?
  • What are some ways to do better at seeing people as fellow children of God, as opposed to having an “us vs. them” mentality?

Prayer: Pray that we handle our anger appropriately.

01.01.17 Small Group Discussion

He Said What? - Faith Façades

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • What New Year’s Resolutions did you make? Why? Or if you didn’t make any, why not?
  • What is the craziest thing you’ve ever heard someone say?
  • How do you react when you’re called out for something you’ve done wrong?

Read: Matthew 5:17-20 and 23:27-28.

  • Is it harder for you to follow the letter of the law or the spirit of the law? Why?
  • Do you find yourself at times following God through an a la carte method, picking parts of God’s commands to follow or ignore? Why do you think we do that?
  • Who do you consider the religious elite of today?
  • What do you think the reaction would be if Jesus’ words about the Pharisees were spoken to those that are considered the religious elite of today?
  • Does the accusation that Jesus brings against the religious elite only apply to them, or to us as well?
  • How can we be honest followers of Christ instead of hypocrites and white-washed tombs?
  • How would the world’s view of the Church change if we lived authentically?
  • What New Year’s Resolution will you make to help you live authentically?

Prayer: Pray that you will begin the New Year striving to follow all of God’s directions authentically, instead of picking and choosing what we want to follow.

12.18.16 - Small Group Discussion

Christmas Lights - Under the Glare

  • What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
  • Have you ever been in a play/musical? If so, what was it? If not, have you been to a play or musical?
  • What reasons make you not want to turn on a light or shine a light on something?

Read: John 14:5-9.

  • How can we address Jesus’s words “No one comes to the Father except through me” in today’s culture?
  • Philip says he wants to see God, and Jesus says, “You have seen me, so you have seen God.” What is the implication then for us and how people can see God now?

Read: Ephesians 5:13-17.

  • What is meant by “everything that is illuminated becomes a light?
  • Why should we be careful how we live?
  • Why and how should we make the most of every opportunity?

Read: James 1:17-18.

  • What are some of the good and perfect gifts that you have received?
  • What are the implications and responsibilities for us being firstfruits?
  • How are you going to live authentically this week in order to let others see God?

Prayer: Pray that you will be without blemish when seen in the light.