‘Tis the season for generosity! Halloween is over, Thanksgiving is on its way, and winter is just around the corner. With the threat of the cold, the City Rescue Mission of Lansing is looking for some supplies to help our neighbors survive the season.
Non-Perishable Food Items
Turkey Gravy
Sugar Packets
Creamer Packets or Cups
Stuffing Mix
Canned Carrots
Brownie Mix.
Household Necessities
Body Wash, Regular Bottles
Lotion, Regular Bottles
Shaving Cream
Men's White Undershirts, L
Men's PJ Pants, L-XL
Women's Ankle Socks
Your donations help us be a light to the families in our community!
Please have donations back by Sunday, November 24
Want to know more?
Head on over to CRML to find out!